This is a guest post by Joaquin Erazo. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.
Keeping a green kitchen doesn’t have to be a difficult ask. With 40 easy tips, your kitchen will be eco-friendly in no time.
1. Create a compost jar. Toss items like banana peels and egg shells in a tight container under your sink, then throw the compost onto your garden.
2. Keep old grocery bags in a cabinet and re-use the next time you head out to the store.
3. Collect quality, plastic takeout containers to store leftover food in.
4. Make your own eco-friendly cleaning solution by mixing white vinegar, water and baking soda in a clean spray bottle.
5. Re-use old sponges by running them through the dishwasher.
6. Use butter to grease pans and dishes, instead of anti-stick sprays that can be hazardous to the environment.
7. Grow your own herbs on your windowsill, using small plotted plants that re-grow when you snip off the ends.
8. Use long lasting light bulbs for overhead lighting in your kitchen and dining spaces.
9. Stop using paper plates and plastic forks, which create extra waste.
10. Use natural fibers and materials when designing your kitchen, like a corkboard backsplash and wooden cabinetry.
11. Stop using aerosol sprays, which contaminate the environment. Instead, light sweet smelling candles.
12. Don’t leave stovetop lights on longer than necessary.
13. Make sure refrigerators and freezers are set on low settings.
14. Likewise, keep refrigerator and freezer doors tightly closed.
15. Use a mop to clean up footprints tracked through the kitchen, not paper towels.
16. Similarly, use a rag or sponge to clean counters, instead of wasteful paper towels.
17. Institute the use of cloth napkins at your dinner table, which saves on wasting paper napkins.
18. Set up recycling bins near the trash can and sort by paper, plastic, glass and aluminum.
19. Stop using disposable aluminum pans to bake dishes in.
20. Turn off all lights in the kitchen when not in use.
21. Don’t let water run when washing dishes.
22. Use a water filter on your faucet instead of plastic water bottles.
23. Don’t use any Styrofoam products in your kitchen.
24. Ask for paper grocery bags when bringing home groceries.
25. Store fruit and vegetables in the fridge to last longer.
26. Collect newspaper to use when washing kitchen windows.
27. Feed unwanted leftovers to family pets.
28. Use a manual can opener instead of electric.
29. Chop veggies instead of using an electric processor.
30. Use as few burners as possible at one time.
31. Open windows in kitchen instead of running a fan.
32. Open kitchen drapes to let light in and turn off electric lamps.
33. Don’t keep a television in the kitchen.
34. Use a battery-operated radio in the kitchen.
35. Keep windows and doors closed when air condition or heat is on.
36. Create a vegetable garden in your back yard.
37. Use old jars to hold dry ingredients on your counter.
38. Grow your own flowers for dining table centerpieces.
39. Collect extra water from the sink to water plants.
40. Get the family involved in keeping up green practices.
Joaquin Erazo, Jr. blogs for Case Remodeling and offers a number of helpful tips about kitchen remodeling for homeowners at https://casedesign.com/