The team from want to share this information with you. It is about a new type of a dishwasher that they believe will be of interest to you.
Let’s face it. All home appliances are evolving, all ones but the dishwashers. It’s becoming common to see in houses smart appliances like freezers with smart-cams and microwave ovens with Wi-Fi that are also getting cheaper and more and more popular among the population. But one machine in particular seems to be the lonely ‘dumb’ brother of the kitchen: the dishwasher. Well, of course, most of us hate to hand wash plates and see the time needed to do it as a wasted time.

Technically saying, from the Cochrane’s 1886 dishwasher, this appliance has hardly evolved, considering how many systems are smart nowadays. From 1998, people have met progressively many smart home devices with the purpose of helping them make theirs lives easier and easier. This is because of the frenetic speed of the modern life.

Here, we would like to express our insider point of view. As you can see on our Facebook page at La Lavapensile, we are making a domotic dishwasher. A dishwasher you don’t have to unload (it’s more like a robotic cabinet that washes the dishes, really).
Controlled from your smartphone. Why? You can see it yourself on our site at But we are not here to boring you, we would like to express the impact on the society, the impact on your life, practically saying. First one: there isn’t (yet) any dishwasher with AI or Wi-Fi. This appliance does have them. Yes, you will probably see it as a gimmick. Meanwhile, your opinion matters to us, so why don’t you express it on our site or Facebook page?
Our vision is that the precise dose of the water and energy will help both the environment and the owner to save money. It’s not a smarter cycle, it’s a system that stops itself when it recognize the dishes are clean. Now, I will stress out that saving water/energy is becoming an important aspect of the modern life, especially in the “western” side of the world.
This summer, south Italy has experienced the worst drought of the decade. According to a recent research by ENEA (Italian national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development), in 2023 there has been the most increment of the temperature in modern history. With this, it’s easy to forecast that the scarcity of water and the desertification in south Europe will continue in the next years. Also, the usage of energy is something we keep in mind as, according to European environment agency, there is a strict bond between energy usage and pollution.
But shall the evolution involve only informatics and technology? Many dishwasher makers (especially in Europe) have made research and patents about the possibility to load the soap once in a while instead that for every load. We have a system that needs to be loaded once for every 7 loads.
But it’s clever: it has a little tiny small sensor that warns you if a soap is needed, to avoid arriving at home discovering the plates are dirty. And best of all, it’s designed to make you save (invaluable) time.
One of the best value of a dishwasher, I believe, is that it’s a simple machine. It has only one job to do, it’s relatively simple made, and as long as it does its job all are happy.
It’s not really that we are introducing this appliance on the market (we do of course), we are trying to introduce a lifestyle where home machines do mind themselves. It’s like a little IoT or industry 4.0 revolution inside the kitchen, but for the dishwashers. According to Lidia Bastianich (an Italian-American celebrity chef, television host, author, and restaurateur.), “Today’s innovation is tomorrow’s tradition”. Our bet is just to do it today instead of tomorrow.
We are in our time mainly coming from the engineering field, and would love to debate about it. So, if you want to comment or reach out to express your idea, you are more than welcome.
Finalmente una lavastoviglie che carica 1 volta a settimana il sapone, e fantastica.